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Next, complete your subscription below to:

  • Complete your Short-Term Rental Certification
  • Gain access to Revedy short-term rental leads via ExpressOffers
  • Gain access to the Revedy Underwriting platform
  • Unlimited UnderwriteLites (your own properties and Revedy buy boxes)
  • Certified Underwrites for your own properties ($249 per request)
Revedy eXp Underwriting Platform

Monthly Subscription


(Three month minimum paid upfront)

Annual Subscription


(When annual subscription is paid in full)

  1. You will be charged $297 upfront for your first three (3) months of platform access. After this initial period you will be billed automatically ($99 per month) with the card on file.
  2. You will be charged $990 upfront for twelve (12) months of platform access. These equates to an $82.50 per month of access.