FINANCIAL Professionals

Financial Planners, Wealth Advisors, and Family Offices all have an increased interest in short-term rentals for themselves and their clients. 

While we understand that each of these sub sectors of wealth management have their own services they provide, and fee structures they offer to their clients, we have worked diligently to address each and every need.


Add more value to your clients’ plan with STR data & underwriting

Revedy for Financial Planners is a seamless product that can be added to a quarterly or annual financial plan which shows how the tangible value of a short-term rental home, along with the earning opportunity of the rental/hospitality business, can produce both cash flow and certainty.


Access STR portfolios and investment data

Revedy for Wealth Advisors takes a similar approach to that of Financial Planners, but allows for Wealth Advisors to access our pre-built portfolios of short-term rental assets that we have collected and underwrote. Because many Wealth Advisors custody their own assets, they can share these portfolios with their clients and contact Revedy to help them discuss a strategy for acquisition.

Contact our sub-advisory team to get access to STR portfolios.


We offer customizable STR investment opportunities

Additionally, some Wealth Managers and Family Offices may not want to custody assets on behalf of their clients and may want Revedy to take on this responsibility. In this case, syndication or full investment opportunities can be achieved through Revedy’s customizable investment vehicles.