Build a Short-Term Rental Portfolio

Short-Term Rentals are a high yielding asset class. At Revedy, we work directly with both portfolio managers and retail investors looking to build their own portfolios for optimized returns. Our approach offers investors a simplified option to acquire diverse assets in multiple locations and establish them as high performing short-term rentals.  We understand that each portfolio strategy is unique and we advise and optimize accordingly. 

Contact our STR Portfolio Advisors for your free consultation

How We Build your Portfolio


Proprietary Technology

 Revedy offers the ONLY database exclusively focused on investment-grade short-term rentals, ensuring investors receive the most accurate and insightful market data. Our technology uses intelligent data, not scraped data, to identify and underwrite each potential short-term rental asset.

To begin to build a portfolio, we:


  • Assess Key Markets that offer both the highest gross rent along with the capital appreciation growth potential. 
  • Choose multiple locations to decrease risk and increase diversification.
  • We use key market data to do a full investment analysis of the asset as a short-term rental. Our comprehensive underwriting reviews short-term rental revenue potential, long term capital growth of the asset and all local STR regulations. 
  • Through this analysis, we can accurately forecast gross rents, occupancy rates, Average Daily Rates (ADRs), RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room), net operating costs.


Acquisitions & Integration

Through our data-driven investment process we can quickly identify an investment opportunity so we can mobilize our acquisitions team and begin due diligence. We have a highly skilled in-house real estate team that will handle all asset acquisitions and portfolio integration.


    STR Setup: Converting a Real Estate only Asset to a Hospitality Revenue Driven Asset

    The high returns are possible with short-term rentals because they are driven by the conversion of the underlying real estate asset to a hospitality asset. We have an in-house team dedicated to the set-up of the property as a fully optimized short-term rental.


      Vacation Rental Management (VRM) Matching

      We match the asset with the management option that nets the greatest returns and this varies across markets.