The Investor’s Edge for Short-Term Rentals

Tools and insights for better short-term rental investing

Find a Property

Using proprietary data and tools, we find and evaluate short-term rental properties.


  • Investment analysis
  • STR performance & market overview
  • Access to underwritten properties

Analyze a Property

Enter an address to discover a property’s earning potential.


  • Evaluate projected earning potential
  • Benchmark against top markets
  • View comparable properties

Underwrite a Property

Evaluate an investment property with more confidence

  • Manually underwritten analysis
  • Access local regulations/permitting
  • Detailed Revedy insights

Analyze a Market

Identify the best markets with our True Data™


  • Understand STR regulations
  • Identify high performing markets
  • Benchmark against Top 10 markets

With Revedy, you can find, evaluate, compare and underwrite short-term rental properties

Don’t estimate. Underwrite.

While other companies use scraped and aggregated data to “estimate” critical financial numbers, all of our underwrites are backed by Revedy’s True Data – the ONLY database exclusively focused on investment-grade short-term rentals:


  • 100+ point manual underwriting from industry experts
  • Actual STR performance data from owners & property managers
  • Proprietary algorithms fueled by every new data point

Gross Revenue

Cash Flow

Cap Rate

Cash on Cash

Average Daily Rate

Occupancy Rate

Projected Profit

Monthly Cashflow

Projected Expenses

Key Amenities

Nights Rented Out

Zoning & Regulations


Listing Price vs. Gross Rents


Comparable Properties

How much money could I make?
Projected Cashflow


How does this compare to other STRs in the market?
Projected Revenue

Comparable Homes: $122,123
Average Revenue in Top 10 Markets: $55,500
This Home: $134,547

What amenities does it have?
Key Amenities

Private pool, hot tub, outdoor entertainment, ocean views

What are the STR regulations in the area?
Key Regulations

Annual permit required. Single Residential and Rural Living zones eligible. No minimum stay.

How often will it be booked?
Expected STR Performance

Average Daily Rate: $443
Occupancy Rate: 76.5%
Nights Rented Out Per Year: 259

Get Started with Revedy

We’ll help you find, evaluate, compare and underwrite short-term rental properties