Tools & Insights for

STR Investors

Are you looking to invest in short-term rentals, but not sure how to evaluate them?

Revedy was born out of a need to provide detailed underwriting to individual investors who were looking to gain access to the short-term rental asset class. 
Revedy Analyze an STR Property Tool
Memphis STR for sale

Don’t Estimate. Underwrite.

While other companies use scraped and aggregated data to “estimate” critical financial numbers, Revedy’s True Data combines:

  • 100+ point manual underwriting from industry experts
  • Actual STR performance data from owners & property managers
  • Proprietary algorithms fueled by every new data point

Revedy has the ONLY database exclusively focused on investment-grade short-term rentals. 

With more than $55B in actual asset-level data, we are able to deliver predictable, scalable insights that not only show what an existing property can produce, but also can reveal opportunities to optimize a property for even better performance in the future. 


Revedy helps individual investors to:

Find and evaluate potential properties and markets

Benchmark STR performance against the market

Identify opportunities to optimize current properties

Make smarter investment decisions today with Revedy